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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Murari Lal Gupta, . 40/5.Shakti Nagar.Delhi.India....The noble Soul passed away.

Murari Lal Gupta, . 40/5.Shakti Nagar.Delhi.India....The noble Soul passed away.


Murari Lal Gupta, . 40/5.Shakti Nagar.Delhi.India....The noble Soul passed away.

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Sh.Murari Lal gupta of Chhara Village,Rohtak,Now in Jhajjar Dist.Haryana  settled , in Delhi Since 1944, has passed today,after enjoying the 85 years of healthy and quality life.
Hw left behind him his wife Smt.Sunhari devi and 5 sons & 4 daughters,all well settled in life.

Belonging to the Merchant family of Bhiwani and Settled in Chhara Village about 500 years.The Village was founded by the ancesstors of Sh.Murari Lal Gupta.

Due to World War II,all the family investment was lost ,and to keep the family honour with degnity.all the  claims were settled. and which compelled Sh.Murari Lal Gupta to Come Delhi in Search of livelihood.

After doing various jobs,he finally settled with Lyods Bank,  which later become Natioinal & Grindlays Bank,and after which ANZ Bank.

After retiring Bank in 1987. he joined the bussiness ,Indian Books Centre/Sri Satguru Publications, established by his sons with his all supports.

During his life time He was closely associated with Rashtriya Swam Sevak, BJP and many other Social Organisations.of Delhi and Haryana.
His Son Naresh Gupta & Sunil Gupta, with His Grandson Varun Gupta has started M/s Divine Books.
Also a new  series Lala Murari Lal Chharia Oriental series is started.,to publish indological,oriental & Sanskrit books.

Today at the age of 85 Years.the noble Soul has left for further journey in the lotus feet of Supreme power.

May God give this noble Soul
Thanking You
Varun Gupta
Divine Books
40/5, Shakti Nagar,
Delhi 110007

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